Tuesday, August 9, 2011

An Idea for Healing: Finding Serenity

So as I have pondered what might be important or helpful for me to write in this blog, I have decided that I will have posts dedicated to healing ideas on this site. Today's post will be on ideas on finding serenity when you are stressed.
1. If you feel stressed, use accupressure. Take your right thumb and press the pad of your ring finger and watch your worries disappear! This point is known as the "seat of emotions" and will help you to feel more positive in minutes. Massaging your right hand produces seratonin and dopamine, which both boost our moods.
2. Try a soothing essential oil such as sandalwood or lavender. One to two drops on the back of your ear lobe will calm you and help you smell wonderful.
3. If you are on your computer, switch your screensaver to a tranquil nature scene. These scenes, according to British researchers, will slow your body's production of stress hormones.
4. Take a scrap piece of paper and write your worries onto it, then crumple it up and throw it away. That action somehow helps your mind to disconnect from the thought.
5. Walk in the grass in your bare feet for a few minutes. Within a minute or so, scientists have shown that   the body will change its electrical charge to negative, which helps us to feel calm and healed.
6. Are you stuck in the office. Computers and technology give off positive ions, which depress our mood, so light a salt lamp to counteract this or introduce a water feature like a little zen fountain (water is full of negative ions).
7. Add plants to your office or place of work. NASA scientists report that common house plants clean the air, plus plants also give off healthy amounts of negative ions.
8. Take a magazine that has plenty of picture of people or look at photos of people you love. Smile at the people that you see and watch your levels of feel-good hormones rise.
9. Get outdoors in nature and talk a brisk walk or spend time in your garden. Look at the beauty around you. Walking can boost your mood in minutes and the effects are long-lasting. People who spend time outdoors are up to 71% happier.
10. Pet a cute puppy or kitty. The effect is a boost of a surprising 38% increase of seratonin, the happiness hormone, according to researchers.
11. Eat an avocado. Yes, if you have too little magnesium in your body, you will feel cranky and out-of-sorts. Avocados are packed with healthy fats and minerals like magnesium.

Finding Balance

Finding Balance